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Ylivieska laboratorio


Laboratory tests easily and quickly – without a referral

Puhti offers laboratory tests without a doctor’s referral and help with interpreting the results. We help our clients to get a snapshot of their health status, set goals, make the right choices and track the progress.

1. Choose and order test package for you

Ordering is easy. Place your order first on Puhti’s website. Clear test packages. Pricing is affordable.

2. Visit the laboratory for sample collection

After placing the order, you will receive simple email instructions on how to prepare for the tests. Laboratory tests can be taken at about 75 locations in 50 cities around Finland. The sample collection only takes a few minutes. You can book an appointment at the Mehiläinen laboratory.

3. See the results in My Journal 

When the results are ready, you’ll receive a notification via SMS and email. After this, you can log in to the My Journal service to see your results.

You will get an easy-to-read report of your results. The report shows all the results as a simple bar graph. You can easily see if your results fall within the reference values.

You will also learn what the values mean and how they can be affected with lifestyle choices, for example.

If necessary, you can order a remote consultation with a doctor after the tests as a separate service, or you can print out the results and bring them to your doctor’s appointment.


Customer service

If you need to change your booked testing appointment, please do so no later than the day before the appointment by contacting Mehiläinen’s customer service. Contact information and instructions: 

The quickest way to get in touch with Puhti on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. is via our chat. Currently, the chat only works when you have accepted marketing cookies. You can change your settings here. You will find the chat on the right-hand side of the site. Click on the speech bubble and type your question. 

Our customer service can also be contacted by phone: +358 (0)10 338 7049 (8.35 cents/call + 16.69 cents/minute) 

If you want make changes to the tests you have ordered, you can request a change to your order from our customer service before visiting the laboratory. You can contact us via the chat on our website or by phone (+358 (0)10 338 7049). 

If the order includes promotional or special offer products or test panels with a lower than normal price, we will not be able to refund the amount in full; in this case, we will refund the price paid for the product. If a product is exchanged for another, we will take into account the difference between the products and the lower price in the amount of refund. 

Please note that we do not make changes to an order that has already been used. In other words, any changes to the order must be made before visiting the laboratory. After visiting the laboratory, we will not refund used orders or parts thereof. 

Laboratory test

Please note that most of the test packages do not require fasting. More detailed information can be found on the page of each test panel or individual test. Individual tests that require fasting are marked with a lowercase letter f in the test code. 

Try to sleep, eat, drink, exercise and work normally during the days before the test. The day before the test, try to have your meals at your usual mealtimes. Heavy stress or an intense sports performance on the previous day or the same day, for example, can also affect the values. 

First, order the tests on the Puhti website. After that, you will receive instructions for testing. The sample collection takes place at Mehiläinen laboratories, available in about 75 locations in 50 different cities. Please note! Most of the Mehiläinen laboratories serve customers only by appointment. You can see the locations of Mehiläinen laboratories here. You can book an appointment for laboratory testing here. 

When making an electronic appointment, you will need to re-authenticate with your online banking credentials and, as a Puhti customer, click on “prepaid service” in the “Payment method” menu.

The tests in the order are taken at the same time; tests in the same order cannot be divided into different testing days. 

Sample collection for Puhti tests is possible at more than 75 locations in 50 cities. The sample collection takes place at Mehiläinen laboratories. First, order the test package of your choice on the Puhti website. The laboratories are centrally located in cities. You can check the locations of the laboratories here. You can make an appointment here.

We recommend getting tested right away so that you can keep track of changes in your health. It is a good idea to find out the baseline before starting your exercise regimen or making other lifestyle changes so that you can see the effects of the changes in your test results. Seeing how your test results improve can motivate you to continue with your lifestyle changes. The baseline results and follow-up test results are updated on the same report in My journal, making it easy to see your progress. 

If you have booked an appointment at the laboratory, you can register at the reception and take a seat and wait for your turn.

All you need to bring with you is proof of identity (such as your driver’s license, identity card or passport). 

If you have placed a separate additional order and want to have all the tests taken at the same time, be sure to inform the laboratory. 

After laboratory tests

The results are displayed as an easy-to-read report in the My journal section. We have tried to make the report as simple and clear as possible. We have received a lot of praise from our customers for the clarity of our reports! 

The results can be viewed on mobile or on a computer. The results are presented graphically, and the next time you get tested, the new results are updated in the same graphs. In certain tests, the value is not accurately determined after a certain limit, because it has no diagnostic significance. 

If the value is marked with red, the value falls outside the reference values. If the value is marked with green, it falls within the reference values. Some of the values also have a yellow area between them, which indicates a small deviation from the reference values. 

The results can be saved as a PDF file that opens with Adobe Acrobat, for example. If you wish, you can also print the results on paper. 

See an example of a Puhti report here. 

Log in to My journal with your banking credentials. You will not be able to log in until you have ordered the tests from the Puhti website. 

If you cannot log in to My journal, here’s what you can try: 

Try using a different browser or computer/phone. 

Try logging in to My journal again in about an hour. Server downtime may cause login errors. 

Contact us via the chat or over the phone. 

In our opinion, the interpretation of laboratory results does not need to be difficult. That is why we have made the report very visually clear and easy to read. The report shows whether your results fall within the reference values and what the different values mean. We will tell you what the different indicators are connected to and how you can influence them. 

Through Puhti, you can also easily book a remote appointment with a doctor as a separate service, during which you can go through all the results. 

However, our test packages do not include a personal interpretation or diagnosis of your results by a doctor. Always consult a doctor if you suspect a disease or have symptoms. 

You can view the results in the My journal service. The service requires strong authentication with Finnish banking credentials. 

We clearly illustrate which values fall within the reference values and what the values mean. After all the results have been completed, they can be printed or downloaded in PDF format. 

If you wish, you can order a doctor’s consultation directly in the My journal service for an additional fee. Our service does not automatically include a personal interpretation or diagnosis of your results by a doctor. If you suspect a disease or have symptoms, always consult a doctor. 

Many of the results included in our test packages are usually completed the day after the sample collection. 

As soon as the results are ready, we will send you email and SMS notifications. You can view the results on the My journal page. 

After the tests, you can order a remote consultation with a Mehiläinen doctor as a separate service directly in the My journal report. The consultation with a doctor is not included in the price of the laboratory package. 


The results are displayed as an easy-to-read report in the My journal section. We have tried to make the report as simple and clear as possible. We have received a lot of praise from our customers for the clarity of our reports! 

The results can be viewed on mobile or on a computer. The results are presented graphically, and the next time you get tested, the new results are updated in the same graphs. In certain tests, the value is not accurately determined after a certain limit, because it has no diagnostic significance. 

If the value is marked with red, the value falls outside the reference values. If the value is marked with green, it falls within the reference values. Some of the values also have a yellow area between them, which indicates a small deviation from the reference values. 

The results can be saved as a PDF file that opens with Adobe Acrobat, for example. If you wish, you can also print the results on paper. 

See an example of a Puhti report here. 

You can view the results in the My journal service. The service requires strong authentication with Finnish banking credentials. 

We clearly illustrate which values fall within the reference values and what the values mean. After all the results have been completed, they can be printed or downloaded in PDF format. 

If you wish, you can order a doctor’s consultation directly in the My journal service for an additional fee. Our service does not automatically include a personal interpretation or diagnosis of your results by a doctor. If you suspect a disease or have symptoms, always consult a doctor. 

Please note that most of the test packages do not require fasting. More detailed information can be found on the page of each test panel or individual test. Individual tests that require fasting are marked with a lowercase letter f in the test code. 

Try to sleep, eat, drink, exercise and work normally during the days before the test. The day before the test, try to have your meals at your usual mealtimes. Heavy stress or an intense sports performance on the previous day or the same day, for example, can also affect the values. 

Sample collection for Puhti tests is possible at more than 75 locations in 50 cities. The sample collection takes place at Mehiläinen laboratories. First, order the test package of your choice on the Puhti website. The laboratories are centrally located in cities. You can check the locations of the laboratories here. You can make an appointment here.

We recommend getting tested right away so that you can keep track of changes in your health. It is a good idea to find out the baseline before starting your exercise regimen or making other lifestyle changes so that you can see the effects of the changes in your test results. Seeing how your test results improve can motivate you to continue with your lifestyle changes. The baseline results and follow-up test results are updated on the same report in My journal, making it easy to see your progress. 

Puhti laboratory tests do not require a doctor’s referral. However, if you suspect an illness, always consult a doctor. 

You can order a doctor’s consultation separately through our service after the tests. 

You can add the desired individual tests to the ready-made test panels. The tests in the order are taken at the same time; tests in the same order cannot be divided into different testing days. 

You can add new tests to your existing order. Order the tests as usual from the Puhti page; the sampler will see all the tests you ordered in the system. Puhti tests cannot be purchased from the laboratory register. 

If you have placed a separate additional order and want to have all the tests taken at the same time, be sure to inform the laboratory. 

The order must always be filled in with the details of the person to be tested. If you want to order tests as a gift for someone else, gift cards are available. The gift card is used in Puhti’s online store, and the recipient of the gift can decide which test package they want to order. 

If you want make changes to the tests you have ordered, you can request a change to your order from our customer service before visiting the laboratory. You can contact us via the chat on our website or by phone (+358 (0)10 338 7049). 

If the order includes promotional or special offer products or test panels with a lower than normal price, we will not be able to refund the amount in full; in this case, we will refund the price paid for the product. If a product is exchanged for another, we will take into account the difference between the products and the lower price in the amount of refund. 

Please note that we do not make changes to an order that has already been used. In other words, any changes to the order must be made before visiting the laboratory. After visiting the laboratory, we will not refund used orders or parts thereof. 

General information

We collaborate with various influencers. You can contact Nanne Talvela at 0503662229 or fill out the contact form. 

We collaborate with various companies. You can contact Susanna Nuoramo-Winquist at 0505643834 regarding this matter.

 Unfortunately, we cannot comment on which test is suitable for you. You can compare the contents of the packages with this tool or assess for yourself which test is suitable for you. If you have symptoms or suspect an illness, we recommend first contacting your primary care physician, who will assess which test you need.

All individuals who are 15 years or older, have Finnish bankID as well as a Finnish personal identity code, can place a Puhti order.

Kela compensation is not available for Puhti tests. The tests do not require a doctor’s appointment or referral. 

The service is suitable for you if you are interested in monitoring and maintaining your health with the help of a laboratory test. The Puhti laboratory packages provide a wide range of information on your health. We have compiled test packages suitable for various target groups. 

Comprehensive and versatile tests have been selected for the test packages for various target groups. The Puhti laboratory packages provides a wide range of information on your health. In the ‘Laboratory tests’ menu, you can find more information about all the ready-made test packages. 

Puhti laboratory tests do not require a doctor’s referral. However, if you suspect an illness, always consult a doctor. 

You can order a doctor’s consultation separately through our service after the tests. 

Puhti (Puhti Lab Oy) offers the best services for measuring and developing your well-being. The company’s founders want to promote the well-being of Finns and offer them an easy way to monitor their health. Puhti is part of Mehiläinen. 

Data protection and information security are of the utmost importance to us. The data will remain in a high-security server room in Finland, which is dimensioned for health services. The data can only be accessed by persons responsible for laboratory testing whose access to the data is necessary for the provision of the service and who have signed a written NDA. 

The samples are taken and analysed at the laboratories of Mehiläinen in Finland. 

You can view the results on the My journal page. 

The results of the tests ordered after 24 March 2021 will also be updated in OmaKanta and OmaMehiläinen. The results will be transferred to the Kanta archive within approximately two days of the results being completed. 

If you have ordered a remote consultation with a doctor as an additional service, the doctor will also update their entries on your treatment in the Kanta archive. 

Attention! The texts appear in as Mehiläinen’s document entries.

We automatically transfer the order information to Mehiläinen’s laboratory system. This means that you do not have to bring your Puhti order information or receipt to the laboratory. However, remember to bring proof of identity with you when arriving at the laboratory for the tests.  

Reliable laboratory tests

Puhti is a company owned by Mehiläinen, which offers the best service for maintaining and developing your well-being. Several experienced doctors have been involved in the design of the service.

Samples are taken and analysed at the laboratories of Mehiläinen. Some of the rarer tests are analysed at Mehiläinen’s partner laboratories, if necessary.

Data protection and security are of paramount importance to us. The data is kept in Finland in a highly classified server room, which is sized for health services.

Puhti procures laboratory services from Mehiläinen, and patient data generated at Mehiläinen are also visible in the Oma Mehiläinen app and the Kanta service. Patient data generated at Mehiläinen are available to Mehiläinen’s healthcare professionals, for example, when you visit Mehiläinen.

The processing of personal data is described in more detail on the privacy page.

You can find the terms of delivery of Puhti here.

After the tests?

Tests help you to identify your current level, set goals and make better choices. By renewing the tests, for example after six months, you will get clear information on your progress in My journal.

If you suspect a disease, have symptoms or want to discuss the results with your doctor, please contact your doctor yourself. Test packages do not automatically include a doctor’s analysis of the results.

If necessary, you can order a separate remote consultation (€70) with a Mehiläinen doctor directly from the Puhti result report.

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