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ASAT, or aspartate aminotransferase, indicates the condition of the liver.

ASAT, or aspartate aminotransferase, indicates the condition of the liver

High ASAT may indicate tissue damage in important organs.


  • ASAT value indicates the state of health of tissues.
  • ASAT increases during acute inflammation and in the case of tissue damage.
  • The ASAT test allows for assessing the state of health of the heart, pancreas and liver.
  • High ASAT value can be restored to normal by treating the cause of the increase.

What is aspartate aminotransferase?

ASAT, or aspartate aminotransferase, is an enzyme found in the liver, pancreas and heart. Its concentration is increased in case of tissue damage to important organs, such as cirrhosis of the liver or myocardial infarction. ASAT enters the bloodstream as a result of the damage.

The aspartate aminotransferase level can also be high, for example, in the case of hepatitis and pancreatitis.

Aspartate aminotransferase is an enzyme that is responsible for the conversion of alpha-ketoglutarate into oxaloacetate and glutamate in the body. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter that stimulates brain activity and is involved in nerve cell growth, differentiation, learning and movement regulation.

Oxaloacetate has several functions in the body. For example, it acts as a precursor in gluconeogenesis, a process that takes place in the liver and in the cortex of the kidney, where glucose is made from substances other than carbohydrates.

The highest concentrations of this enzyme are found in the liver, heart muscle and muscles, i.e. the organs where metabolism is rapid. The concentration increases in the case of acute diseases and heart muscle damage.


The result of the ASAT study says a lot about the tissues’ state of health as a high value indicates the breakdown of the tissues.

The ASAT value can be used to determine the following diseases:

Reference values for P-ASAT

Women35 U/l
Men45 U/l

The marking U/l means unit per litre.

Men have, on average, slightly higher ASAT levels than women. ASAT level increases with age. The level is usually higher in the case of obesity.

What is causing elevated ASAT levels?


The ratio of aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase can be interpreted to determine the quality of hepatitis as follows:

A high ASAT/ALAT ratio may also be due to extrahepatic tissues. The ratio is often high in the case of muscular dystrophy, muscle exertion, pulmonary embolism and kidney infection.

Treatment of high ASAT

The aim is to restore the abnormal ASAT value close to the reference value by treating the condition that causes the increase. If the high value is due to alcohol consumption, drinking must be stopped. If the high value is due to another disease, treating the disease decreases the value.

How can I order an ASAT test?

You can order an ASAT test from Puhti’s online store here.

All tests can be ordered without a doctor’s referral. You can also order multiple tests at once, making the sampling process more convenient! Check out Puhti laboratory packages as well, which provides comprehensive information about the body’s condition and health.

Through Puhti, you can get tests without a doctor’s referral, and if needed, you can also order a separate service for a doctor’s remote consultation from Puhti’s result report if you suspect illness.

    Puhti laboratory package includes many different tests that give you a wide range of information on how your body is doing. It includes blood count, cholesterol, blood glucose, vitamin D, ferritin, inflammatory status and tests of the functioning of the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys.

    Extensive Puhti laboratory package (women) is a great choice when you want to gain more thorough information about the well-being of your body. The laboratory package will help you check how your body is doing and make better choices for your health. Several tests are included, such as cholesterol, blood glucose, vitamins D and B12, ferritin, and sodium.

    Extensive Puhti laboratory package (men) is a great choice when you want to gain more thorough information about the well-being of your body. The Puhti laboratory package will help you check how your body is doing and make better choices for your health. Several tests are included, such as cholesterol, blood glucose, important vitamins, ferritin and testosterone.

Basic blood count measures the blood hemoglobin concentration and calculates blood cells.
Information Article

Basic blood count (B -PVK+T)

Basic blood count is a study comprising several component examinations. It measures the blood hemoglobin concentration and calculates blood cells: white blood cells (leukocytes), red blood cells (erythrocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes). Additionally, indices describing red blood cells are calculated.

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