Tissue transglutaminase is the most sensitive antibody test used for diagnosing and monitoring celiac disease. For a reliable celiac diagnosis, it is required that the individual has been on a gluten-containing diet for at least 6 weeks prior to sample collection.

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Copper is a trace element essential for the body in small amounts, obtained from the diet. Copper is tested on a doctor's recommendation when there is suspicion of abnormal accumulation in the body (e.g., in occupational exposures or in connection with accumulation diseases such as Wilson's disease).
Adequate iron intake affects, among other things, energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. As a result of a laboratory package Iron Deficiency Plus, you will receive the most important values related to iron, iron stores, and anemia.
Could a gift for a loved one be about well-being? Through laboratory packages, your loved one will gain knowledge about their own health condition. A Puhti gift card is an excellent gift idea for someone who is interested in taking even better care of their health. The recipient of the gift card must be over 15 years old and have Finnish online banking credentials to place an order on the Puhti online store.
The ability to tolerate lactose in milk is a hereditary trait. The test helps you determine if you have a genetic predisposition for the insufficient function of the enzyme that breaks down lactose.
With the test, you can determine if you have a hereditary predisposition to the insufficient function of the enzyme that breaks down lactose. The celiac test includes the following examinations: tissue transglutaminase IgA antibodies (S -tTGAbA) and immunoglobulin A (Ig A).
The measurement of ESR is used to determine the body's inflammatory status.
The package designed for active individuals includes, in addition to the Puhti laboratory package, important metrics for those who exercise. It includes tests important for performance and recovery, such as iron and vitamin D levels, magnesium, and also vitamin B12, potassium related to fluid balance, and free calculated testosterone.
The package designed for active individuals includes, in addition to the Puhti laboratory package, important metrics for those who exercise. It includes tests important for performance and recovery, such as iron and vitamin D levels, magnesium, vitamin B12, and potassium related to fluid balance.
The lipoprotein (a) test is used to assess the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. It is advisable to take the test at least once in a lifetime, especially if you have a family history of vascular diseases, if cholesterol medication does not provide an adequate response to high LDL levels, or if you want to determine the overall risk of vascular diseases, particularly in borderline cases related to cholesterol results.
Even more important than cholesterol levels as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases are the quality and quantity of the particles that transport fats in the body. Includes tests: apo A1, apo B, and the ratio fS-ApoB/A1. The test is used in the following situations: assessment of cardiovascular disease risk, investigation of dyslipidemias, and monitoring of cholesterol-lowering medication.
Magnesium is an essential mineral for the body. It is needed for the functioning of the nervous system and several enzymes.