The Salmonella test (from stool) is suitable for example for health examinations of food workers, controls of salmonella infections, and epidemiological investigations. If no salmonella is detected in the sample, the result is reported as negative. If salmonella is detected in the sample, the result is reported as suspected Salmonella.

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The test is used for diagnosing Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. It is also useful for monitoring disease activity and treatment effectiveness. This is a stool test.
Note! The use of anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided a couple of weeks before the test, as they can distort calprotectin results by giving a false positive result.
The celiac disease test includes the following examinations: tissue transglutaminase IgA antibodies (S -tTGAbA) and immunoglobulin A (Ig A). For a reliable celiac disease diagnosis, it is required that the person being tested has been on a gluten-containing diet for at least 6 weeks before the sample is taken.
Tissue transglutaminase is the most sensitive antibody test used for diagnosing and monitoring celiac disease. For a reliable celiac diagnosis, it is required that the individual has been on a gluten-containing diet for at least 6 weeks prior to sample collection.
The ability to tolerate lactose in milk is a hereditary trait. The test helps you determine if you have a genetic predisposition for the insufficient function of the enzyme that breaks down lactose.
With the test, you can determine if you have a hereditary predisposition to the insufficient function of the enzyme that breaks down lactose. The celiac test includes the following examinations: tissue transglutaminase IgA antibodies (S -tTGAbA) and immunoglobulin A (Ig A).
Suoliston toimintaan liittyvät laboratoriokokeet ilman lähetettä
Suoliston toimintaan voi vaikuttaa esimerkiksi keliakia tai laktoosi-intoleranssi. Puhdin kautta pääset tutkimuksiin ilman lääkärin lähetettä!
Voit tarvittaessa tilata erillisenä palveluna lääkärin etäkonsultaation testien jälkeen tai voit vaikka tulostaa tulokset mukaan omalle lääkärillesi.