Do you collaborate with influencers?
We collaborate with various influencers. You can contact Nanne Talvela at 0503662229 or fill out the contact form.
We collaborate with various influencers. You can contact Nanne Talvela at 0503662229 or fill out the contact form.
We collaborate with various companies. You can contact Susanna Nuoramo-Winquist at 0505643834 regarding this matter.
Unfortunately, we cannot comment on which test is suitable for you. You can compare the contents of the packages with this tool or
All individuals who are 15 years or older, have Finnish bankID as well as a Finnish personal identity code, can place a Puhti order.
Kela compensation is not available for Puhti tests. The tests do not require a doctor’s appointment or referral.
The service is suitable for you if you are interested in monitoring and maintaining your health with the help of a laboratory test.
Comprehensive and versatile tests have been selected for the test packages for various target groups. The Puhti laboratory packages provides a wide range of information on your health.
Puhti laboratory tests do not require a doctor’s referral. However, if you suspect an illness, always consult a doctor. You can order a
Puhti (Puhti Lab Oy) offers the best services for measuring and developing your well-being. The company’s founders want to promote the well-being of
Data protection and information security are of the utmost importance to us. The data will remain in a high-security server room in Finland,
The samples are taken and analysed at the laboratories of Mehiläinen in Finland.
You can view the results on the My journal page. The results of the tests ordered after 24 March 2021 will also be updated in OmaKanta and OmaMehiläinen.