Do you collaborate with companies?
We collaborate with various companies. You can contact Susanna Nuoramo-Winquist at 0505643834 regarding this matter.
We collaborate with various companies. You can contact Susanna Nuoramo-Winquist at 0505643834 regarding this matter.
Unfortunately, we cannot comment on which test is suitable for you. You can compare the contents of the packages with this tool or
All individuals who are 15 years or older, have Finnish bankID as well as a Finnish personal identity code, can place a Puhti order.
The results are displayed as an easy-to-read report in the My journal section. We have tried to make the report as simple and clear as possible.
Log in to My journal with your banking credentials. You will not be able to log in until you have ordered the tests
In our opinion, the interpretation of laboratory results does not need to be difficult. That is why we have made the report very visually clear and easy to read.
You can view the results in the My journal service. The service requires strong authentication with Finnish banking credentials. We clearly illustrate which
Many of the results included in our test packages are usually completed the day after the sample collection. As soon as the results are ready,
After the tests, you can order a remote consultation with a Mehiläinen doctor as a separate service directly in the My journal report.
Please note that most of the test packages do not require fasting. More detailed information can be found on the page of each test panel or individual test.
First, order the tests on the Puhti website. After that, you will receive instructions for testing. The sample collection takes place at Mehiläinen laboratories,
Most of the Puhti test panels do not require fasting. Information on fasting can be found on the page of the test panel or individual test.