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Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is a hormone that regulates thyroid function.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is a hormone that regulates thyroid function

TSH or thyroid-stimulating hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland. TSH is tested when examining thyroid function.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone is the first test that is carried out when examining thyroid function.
  • TSH is essential for the production of the thyroid hormone, thyroxine.
  • TSH can be tested due to symptoms of fatigue, for example.

What is thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)?

TSH or thyroid-stimulating hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland. TSH is tested when examining thyroid function. Thyroid-stimulating hormone is essential for the production of the thyroid hormone, thyroxine.

The thyroid affects the functioning of the whole body. It regulates metabolism, affects our energy levels and mood, and much more. 

The TSH level is the primary investigation when suspecting thyroid underactivity or overactivity. Symptoms of these conditions include changes in weight, fatigue, low or high blood pressure, and mood changes.

TSH Reference Values Reference values for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (S-TSH) are as follows:

Adults and over 16 years 0.5 – 3.6 mU/L TSH levels fluctuate throughout the day, which is normal. The concentration is highest during the night and early morning; the level decreases towards the afternoon.

Shift work affects TSH levels. For permanent night shift workers, it is recommended to take the sample within a few hours after waking up, between 8 AM and 6 PM.

Reference values may vary between laboratories and depending on the analysis method. Puhti samples are taken and analyzed in Mehiläinen laboratories.

High TSH value 

A high TSH value may indicate the following conditions: 

Low TSH value 

A low TSH value may indicate the following conditions: 

When is TSH measured?

TSH level in the blood is examined to diagnose hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of thyroid hormone replacement therapy. TSH can also be measured when the thyroid’s health needs to be investigated.

If there is a genetic predisposition to thyroid disease, it is advisable to measure the levels in a timely manner.

Fatigue, weight gain, and other symptoms associated with thyroid overactivity or underactivity are good reasons to measure TSH levels.

Blood tests are conducted regularly during thyroxine treatment to ensure its effectiveness. For investigating thyroid disorders, TSH measurement is primary but not the only test.

If TSH level is outside the reference values, determining free T4 hormone levels is necessary. Thyroid-stimulating hormone is highly sensitive to changes in thyroxine hormone levels.

In the following cases, the examination of TSH does not yield a reliable result: 

How can I get my TSH tested?

You can order the TSH as a single test from Puhti’s online store. Add the desired products to the shopping cart and complete all the tests at once.

The TSH test is included in the following test packages:

First, order the tests you need via Puhti. You do not need a doctor’s referral. You can visit one of our many laboratories in Finland. Most of the laboratories also serve customers without an appointment. You will receive an easy-to-read results report.

    Puhti laboratory package includes many different tests that give you a wide range of information on how your body is doing. It includes blood count, cholesterol, blood glucose, vitamin D, ferritin, inflammatory status and tests of the functioning of the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys.

    Extensive Puhti laboratory package (women) is a great choice when you want to gain more thorough information about the well-being of your body. The laboratory package will help you check how your body is doing and make better choices for your health. Several tests are included, such as cholesterol, blood glucose, vitamins D and B12, ferritin, and sodium.

    Extensive Puhti laboratory package (men) is a great choice when you want to gain more thorough information about the well-being of your body. The Puhti laboratory package will help you check how your body is doing and make better choices for your health. Several tests are included, such as cholesterol, blood glucose, important vitamins, ferritin and testosterone.

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