Puhti laboratory package includes many different tests that give you a wide range of information on how your body is doing. It includes blood count, cholesterol, blood glucose, vitamin D, ferritin, inflammatory status and tests of the functioning of the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys.

Triglycerides (Trigly) are sources of energy
Elevated triglyceride levels rarely need to be lowered with medication, as changing lifestyle habits is the primary treatment.
- Calories that the body does not consume immediately are stored in fat tissue as triglycerides.
- Increased blood triglycerides increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
- Primary treatment for elevated triglyceride levels is making lifestyle changes.
- Triglyceride test is part of the total cholesterol measurement.
Triglycerides (Trigly)
Triglycerides are fats in the blood and fatty tissue that the body uses for energy. Calories that the body does not consume immediately are stored in fat tissue as triglycerides.
Increased blood triglycerides increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
What are blood triglycerides?
Triglycerides are composed of glycerol and three attached fatty acids. The body’s cells, especially liver cells, produce them on their own, but they are also obtained from food. Dietary fats, such as oils, butter, and animal fats found in meat, primarily consist of triglyceride fats. These fats are broken down in the small intestine and absorbed into the bloodstream for the body to use.
The body converts excess calories from food into triglycerides, which are then stored in fat cells to provide energy between meals.
Triglycerides do not directly accumulate in the walls of arteries, but elevated triglyceride levels increase the risk of heart and vascular diseases.
Reference value for triglycerides
Reference value (adults, over 18 years) | under 2,0 mmol/L |
High triglyceride levels
Triglycerides in the blood are increased by the following factors:
- The most common cause is abdominal obesity and associated fatty liver, which is accompanied by disorders of fat metabolism in the liver. Elevated blood triglycerides are one of the symptoms of metabolic syndrome associated with abdominal obesity.
- High amount of fast-absorbing carbohydrates (sugar, light cereal products) in the diet.
- Excessive use of alcohol. Excessive alcohol has adverse effects on the metabolism of the liver. Moderate use (no more than two servings per day) does not affect triglyceride levels.
- Poorly controlled diabetes. The metabolism of triglycerides is linked to insulin and glucose. Therefore, their disorders are reflected in the level of triglycerides in the blood.
How can high triglyceride levels be treated?
Blood triglyceride levels can be influenced by lifestyle factors much more effectively than cholesterol levels. Elevated triglyceride levels rarely need to be lowered with medication as changing lifestyle habits is the primary treatment.
The tips below can help you prevent and treat elevated triglyceride levels.
- Losing weight and weight management are key measures for reducing triglyceride levels in individuals with abdominal obesity.
- Reducing alcohol consumption.
- Reducing fast-absorbing carbohydrates. Fast carbohydrates cause a rapid increase in blood sugar and insulin levels shortly after eating.
- Reducing the consumption of saturated animal fats and increasing the consumption of unsaturated fats.
- Ensuring you get enough dietary fiber. Fiber is obtained only from plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, mushrooms, and nuts. Dietary fiber can reduce the absorption of fat and sugar in the small intestine, which helps reduce triglyceride levels in the blood.
- Remember to exercise regularly, at least 30 minutes a day several times a week. Exercise increases the amount of good cholesterol in the body, which can help lower blood triglyceride levels.
How can I get my triglycerides tested?
Check out the Puhti laboratory packages, which includes cholesterol measurement. Triglyceride test is part of the total cholesterol measurement.
Cholesterol measurement is included in the following test packages:
- Puhti laboratory package
- Extensive Puhti laboratory package women
- Extensive Puhti laboratory package men
Through Puhti, you can also easily book a remote appointment with a doctor as a separate service, during which you can go through all the results.
Extensive Puhti laboratory package (women) is a great choice when you want to gain more thorough information about the well-being of your body. The laboratory package will help you check how your body is doing and make better choices for your health. Several tests are included, such as cholesterol, blood glucose, vitamins D and B12, ferritin, and sodium.
Extensive Puhti laboratory package (men) is a great choice when you want to gain more thorough information about the well-being of your body. The Puhti laboratory package will help you check how your body is doing and make better choices for your health. Several tests are included, such as cholesterol, blood glucose, important vitamins, ferritin and testosterone.

B-Eryt, erythrocytes or red blood cell count
The number of red blood cells (B-Eryt) is examined in connection with a blood count. In cases of anemia, the number of red blood cells is low.

Basic blood count (B -PVK+T)
Basic blood count is a study comprising several component examinations. It measures the blood hemoglobin concentration and calculates blood cells: white blood cells (leukocytes), red blood cells (erythrocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes). Additionally, indices describing red blood cells are calculated.

Cholesterol tells you about the health of your blood vessels
The total cholesterol measurement shows the total cholesterol value in the blood.

Complete blood count, CBC – Measurement and reference values
The difference between the complete blood count and the basic blood count is that the CBC also includes the total number of platelets and the differential white blood cell count.

Iron (Fe) affects your coping, well-being and mood
Iron is essential for the body. It affects many bodily functions. One of its main tasks is to transport oxygen to important organs such as the heart and muscles.

Hemoglobin (B-Hb) – Measurement and reference values
When suspecting anemia, it is important to test the hemoglobin. Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include paleness and fatigue.
Article updated:
6 May 2024