Puhti laboratory package includes many different tests that give you a wide range of information on how your body is doing. It includes blood count, cholesterol, blood glucose, vitamin D, ferritin, inflammatory status and tests of the functioning of the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys.

Testosterone is the most important sex hormone in men
Testosterone is men’s most important sex hormone, the amount of which affects overall health and well-being.
Testosterone (S-Testo)
- Testosterone has an effect on the development of typical male characteristics during puberty, sperm production and sex drive.
- Low testosterone levels can cause sexual disorders, such as erectile dysfunction and lack of sexual desire.
- Testosterone is a hormone whose production you can effectively influence with healthy choices.
- Losing excess weight is the most effective way to boost testosterone; even losing a few kilos can help increase testosterone levels.
What is testosterone?
Testosterone is a hormone that helps develop male characteristics. For example, testosterone affects facial hair and muscle growth. A decrease in testosterone secretion can cause low libido and impotence.
If testosterone levels are low, they can be influenced by healthy habits.
How does testosterone work?
Testosterone production occurs in tthe testicles in men, and in the ovaries and adrenal cortex in women. Testosterone production is regulated by the pituitary luteinising hormone (LH).
Before puberty, boys and girls have the same amount of testosterone. During puberty, the secretion of testosterone in men increases significantly, and testosterone is secreted from the testicles throughout a man’s life.
How does testosterone affect?
Among other things, testosterone has an effect on the development of typical male characteristics during puberty, sperm production, and sex drive. It also affects bone and muscle mass, fat stores in men and red blood cell production. Testosterone levels also affect our mood.
Low testosterone levels can cause sexual disorders, such as erectile dysfunction and lack of sexual desire. Sexual desire or low libido are also affected by various other hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain.
What affects testosterone production?
The most common cause of low testosterone is excess weight. Abdominal obesity, to which men are particularly susceptible, lowers testosterone levels. Testosterone deficiency can occur in men of all ages.
Other causes of testosterone deficiency can be congenital causes, diseases, or the use of anabolic steroids. Excessive consumption of alcohol also reduces the amount of testosterone.
A decrease in testosterone production is normally associated with ageing.
Decrease of testosterone with aging
Decrease in testosterone production is normally associated with ageing. Decrease of testosterone levels starts at about 45 years of age.
Many long-term diseases lower the amount of testosterone in the blood. Treatment of diseases often restores testosterone levels.
Low testosterone in a young man
Low testosterone is also possible in younger men. Decreased testosterone levels are most often associated with excess weight and lifestyle but there may be other causes as well. If testosterone levels are low, they can be influenced by healthy habits.
Low testosterone can also be related to a disease. Especially in younger men, it is necessary to investigate the causes of low testosterone during a doctor’s appointment.
Measurement of testosterone
Testosterone levels are measured through a laboratory test (blood test).
It’s always important to discuss the significance of testosterone levels and potential follow-up actions with a doctor. Interpreting the results of a laboratory test is not always simple. The doctor assesses the possible testosterone deficiency based on symptoms and measured testosterone levels.
A single low testosterone level alone is not enough to determine whether there is a testosterone deficiency that requires treatment other than lifestyle changes.
To determine the cause and significance of testosterone deficiency, additional laboratory tests are also needed.
Production of testosterone varies according to the time of the day
Production of testosterone in men varies according to the time of the day. Reference values are defined according to the morning values when blood testosterone level is at its highest. Testosterone sample is taken between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m.
S-Testo and S-Testo-VL
The majority of testosterone in the blood is bound to plasma proteins. Only 1–3% of testosterone is available in solution plasma. The S-Testo test measures the amount of total testosterone in the blood.
If the levels of testosterone-binding proteins in the blood change, the S-Testo value changes with them, even if testosterone production is normal. Therefore, the test for free testosterone (S-Testo-VL) may be used to assess testosterone levels.
Measurement of testosterone in women
For women, the need for testosterone tests is always assessed by a doctor.
In women, testosterone levels can be measured when overproduction of testosterone is suspected, such as to study hirsutism (excess body hair), virilism (characteristics associated with male hormones), and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
In addition, testosterone tests can be used to examine deficiencies in the hormone production of the adrenal gland and hormonally active tumours.
Reference values for S-Testo
Reference values for S-Testo are different for women and men.
Reference levels may vary depending on the laboratory and the test analysis method. Puhti samples are taken and analysed at the laboratories of Mehiläinen.
What are testosterone (S-Testo) reference values for men?
Reference values for testosterone depend on age and gender. Testosterone (S-Testo) reference values for men are shown in the table below.
Age | Reference values for S-Testo |
19-39 years old | 9,2 – 31,8 nmol/l |
40-49 years old | 8,1 – 32,2 nmol/l |
50-79 years old | 7,6 – 32,2 nmol/l |
over 80 years old | 5,4 – 31,7 nmol/l |
What are testosterone (S-Testo) reference values for women?
Testosterone (S-Testo) reference levels for women are 0.4–2.1 nmol/L.
Low testosterone level in men
Decreased testosterone levels are most often associated with excess weight and lifestyle but there may be other causes as well.
What are the symptoms of low testosterone?
Testosterone deficiency can be linked to various general symptoms, such as fatigue, troubles in sleeping, low mood, depressive symptoms, and decreased libido. If you suspect a disease or have symptoms, seek medical advice. These symptoms may also be related to another condition or disease.
Symptoms of reduced testosterone in men depend on age.
- Disruption of testosterone production before puberty prevents the development of male-specific characteristics (such as facial hair growth, voice break, and male sexual function). Furthermore, sperm production does not begin without testosterone.
- After puberty, testosterone deficiency manifests itself as low libido and impotence. Other symptoms include enlarged breast tissue, loss of muscle mass, and impaired mental condition.
What does low testosterone level mean?
In men who have passed puberty, low testosterone level alone does not necessarily mean a harmful condition.
However, if there are symptoms associated with low testosterone level, such as erectile dysfunction, depression, loss of interest in life, sadness, fatigue, and reduced sexual desire, treatment is considered. Excess weight should be lost, and if necessary, testosterone replacement therapy may be considered.
What can be the causes of low testosterone?
Deficiencies in male hormone can occur as a result of certain genetic disorders or illnesses. However, the most common cause of deficiency is lifestyle and obesity.
Causes of low testosterone can include:
- Obesity
- Male hypogonadism, which is the underactivity or underdevelopment of the sex glands. Common causes of hypogonadism include Klinefelter’s syndrome, untreated undescended testicle or other testicular disorders, and disorders of the pituitary gland.
- Down syndrome
- Delayed puberty
- Prolonged heavy alcohol use
- Use of anabolic steroids
- Estrogen therapy
How to increase testosterone levels – What increases testosterone?
Testosterone is a hormone whose production you can effectively influence with healthy choices. The following measures can help to increase testosterone levels:
- Aiming for normal weight. The most common cause of low testosterone is excess weight. Abdominal obesity, to which men are particularly susceptible, lowers testosterone levels. Even a few kilos of weight loss can help boost testosterone levels! We recommend trying to maintain a normal weight and strive for permanent weight management.
- Exercise. Exercise is good for weight management, but it’s a healthy choice for other reasons as well.
- Use alcohol in moderation. Small amounts of alcohol do not adversely affect testosterone production, but those who consume large amounts of alcohol usually have clearly lowered testosterone levels.
- Avoid stress. Stress causes the body to secrete cortisol, which in turn interferes with testosterone production. Think about how you can reduce stress factors in your life. Do not overwork yourself and remember to relax and recover.
- Smoking can impair testicular health and reduce testosterone production.
High testosterone: Can there be too much testosterone?
Testosterone levels can be high, and women also sometimes suffer from excessive testosterone levels. In men, elevated testosterone levels usually have a clear cause (such as hyperthyroidism).
In men, high testosterone levels can be caused by hyperthyroidism, an adrenal tumour or, in younger boys, early puberty.
Women sometimes experience overproduction of testosterone, which can lead to menstrual disorders and increased hair growth.
Causes of high testosterone production can include polycystic ovaries, tumours that produce male hormones in the ovaries and adrenal glands, as well as some medications, such as anabolic steroids.
How can I get my free testosterone tested?
You can order the S-Testo or S-Testo-VL (includes tests for total testosterone (S-Testo), free testosterone (S-Testo-VL) and SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin)) as a single test from Puhti’s online store. Add the desired products to the shopping cart and complete all the tests at once.
Check out the Extensive Puhti laboratory package (men), which includes tests for total testosterone (S-Testo), free testosterone (S-Testo-VL) and SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin).
Extensive Puhti laboratory package is a great choice when you want to gain more thorough information about the well-being of your body. The laboratory package will help you check how your body is doing and make better choices for your health. More than 30 tests are included, including cholesterol, blood glucose, vitamins D and B12, and ferritin.
Tests can be taken at Mehiläinen laboratories in more than 75 locations across Finland.
Through Puhti, you can also easily book a remote appointment with a doctor as a separate service, during which you can go through all the results.
Testosterone sample is taken between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m.
Please note that if you are having testosterone replacement therapy and using topical gel, you need to avoid applying the gel on your forearms. Testosterone gel on the forearm may yield incorrect test results.
Extensive Puhti laboratory package (men) is a great choice when you want to gain more thorough information about the well-being of your body. The Puhti laboratory package will help you check how your body is doing and make better choices for your health. Several tests are included, such as cholesterol, blood glucose, important vitamins, ferritin and testosterone.

Free testosterone (S-Testo-V, S-Testo-Vl)
Testosterone affects, among other things, mood and sexual desire.

Preparing for a blood test – instructions before sample collection
Preparing for a blood test may require, for example, fasting or leaving out some medications. Not taking medications should be discussed with your doctor.

SHBG – Sex hormone binding globulin
SHBG has a strong effect on the concentration of sex hormones in the blood.
Article updated:
6 May 2024