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Glucose (fP-Gluk) indicates the fasting blood sugar level

Glucose is one of the most common sugars. Blood glucose is also referred to as blood sugar. The blood sugar level can be analysed after fasting or without fasting. The blood sugar level is excessively high in the case of diabetes, for example,.

Blood sugar (fasting blood sugar glucose)

  • Healthy person’s glucose, or blood sugar, remains very stable thanks to the body’s accurate regulatory mechanism.
  • Stable blood sugar keeps the mind fresh and supports coping. Regular eating and a healthy lifestyle help keep blood sugar steady.
  • Abnormally high blood sugar is usually caused by diabetes.
  • Excessively high or low blood sugar is harmful to health.

What does glucose (blood sugar, fP-Gluk) mean?

Glucose is one of the most common sugars. Blood glucose is also referred to as blood sugar. A glucose test is carried out to measure the blood sugar level.

The glucose level can be high, for example, due to diabetes, which is a metabolic disease.

Glucose is obtained from food and the body is also able to produce it. The body uses glucose as a source of energy.

When glucose enters the bloodstream, the purpose of the insulin hormone is to regulate the concentration of glucose in the blood. If the pancreas is not able to produce enough insulin or if the tissues do not react normally to the effects of insulin (insulin resistance), blood sugar rises. High blood sugar is called hyperglycaemia.

In a healthy person, insulin allows glucose to reach the muscles, adipose tissue and liver cells so that these organs can utilise it. The brain’s nerve cells also need glucose to function.

If the blood sugar level drops too low, the body will no longer be able to function properly. This condition is called hypoglycaemia. Since the brain is powered by glucose, low blood sugar levels also lead to a decreased level of consciousness. A healthy body produces glucagon, which is an insulin antagonist. Glucagon releases glucose into the bloodstream if there is a threat of low blood sugar.

The body stores excess glucose that it does not need immediately.

The liver is also able to produce glucose independently from amino acids, fat and residues.

How can I order a blood sugar test?

You can order a blood sugar (glucose) test from Puhti’s online store here.

Through Puhti, you can get all tests without a doctor’s referral. Quickly and easily. Sampling in over 75 locations in 50 different cities across Finland. Clear result report.

You can easily order a separate remote consultation with a doctor directly from the end of the result report if you want to discuss your results and health, if your results deviate from the reference values, if you have symptoms, or if you suspect illness.

What are the reference values for glucose?

The reference value for glucose (fasting sample fP-Gluk) is 4–6 mmol/l.

What does an abnormal glucose level indicate?

Abnormal glucose levels may suggest a variety of conditions in addition to diabetes.

What causes high blood sugar?

What causes low blood sugar?

For what purpose are blood sugar tests carried out?

Blood glucose, or blood sugar, is examined either because of an abnormal condition or to diagnose diabetes.

It is advisable to have your blood sugar levels tested if you have any risk factors for diabetes, such as obesity, heart disease, family history of diabetes or if you have had gestational diabetes.

A single glucose test result only indicates the blood glucose level at the time of the test. Even a slightly elevated value predicts the risk of developing diabetes.

A single normal value does not exclude the possibility of diabetes.

How can I maintain a stable blood sugar level?

    Puhti laboratory package includes many different tests that give you a wide range of information on how your body is doing. It includes blood count, cholesterol, blood glucose, vitamin D, ferritin, inflammatory status and tests of the functioning of the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys.

    Extensive Puhti laboratory package (women) is a great choice when you want to gain more thorough information about the well-being of your body. The laboratory package will help you check how your body is doing and make better choices for your health. Several tests are included, such as cholesterol, blood glucose, vitamins D and B12, ferritin, and sodium.

    Extensive Puhti laboratory package (men) is a great choice when you want to gain more thorough information about the well-being of your body. The Puhti laboratory package will help you check how your body is doing and make better choices for your health. Several tests are included, such as cholesterol, blood glucose, important vitamins, ferritin and testosterone.

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