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GFR (glomerular filtration rate) - Measurement and reference values

GFR (glomerular filtration rate) – Measurement and reference values

GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) test reflects the kidneys’ ability to cleanse the blood, that is, their ability to remove excess water and waste material from the body.

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and kidney health

  • Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) reflects kidney health.
  • GFR test is a more accurate measure of kidney function than creatinine alone.
  • Abnormally low GFR indicates kidney dysfunction.

Kidney function measurements

Kidney function has long been assessed through creatinine measurements. However, glomerular filtration rate is a more accurate measure of kidney function than just creatinine. You can recognize the test by the code Pt-GFRe.

Why is GFR measured?

Pt-GFRe test reflects the ability of the kidneys to purify the blood from excess water and waste products. 

GFR is measured to determine or to monitor kidney function. It is measured when assessing overall health, determining the causes of abnormal symptoms, in the context of kidney-affecting diseases (for example diabetes, hypertension, and other cardiovascular diseases), and when starting or adjusting medications that may affect the kidneys.

How can I get my GFR tested?

Check out the Puhti laboratory package, which includes both creatinine and GFR measurements.

The Puhti laboratory package includes 30 different measurements that provide comprehensive information about your overall health. The laboratory package helps you easily see which values are within the reference range, what each value means, and how you can influence them.

The tests can be taken at Mehiläinen laboratories in more than 75 locations across Finland. 

Through Puhti, you can also easily book a remote appointment with a doctor as a separate service, during which you can go through all the results. 

Reference values for GFR

18 – 39 yearsover 89 ml/min/1,73 m2
40 – 49 y.over 83 ml/min/1,73 m2
50 – 59 y.over 77 ml/min/1,73 m2
60 – 69 y.over 69 ml/min/1,73 m2
≥ 70 y.over 59 ml/min/1,73 m2

GFR value is determined in Mehiläinen’s laboratory test using the formula (CKD-EPI). In some cases, an exact value is not reported. The equation is not applicable to persons under the age of 18, for whom the levels are not reported. 

GFR value can also be calculated using the more accurate Cockcroft-Gault formula, which takes a person’s weight into account.

GFR = (140 – age) x weight (kg) / a x serum creatinine (µmol/l), where a = 0.8 for men and 0.95 for women.

Kidney function is divided into six classes based on the GFR value. A low GFR indicates kidney dysfunction.

over 90Normal kidney function
60 – 89Mild kidney dysfunction (not significant unless other signs of kidney disease are present
30 – 59Moderate kidney dysfunction
15 – 29Severe kidney dysfunction
under 15End-stage kidney disease, dialysis patients

GFR is influenced by the same factors as creatinine. Creatinine comes from muscles, which is why high muscle mass raises creatinine level and low muscle mass decreases it. 

Men produce more creatinine than women because men have more muscle mass than women. 

Age also influences the values as kidney function naturally deteriorates and muscle mass often decreases with age. 

Due to the formula, decreased kidney function is manifested as an increase in creatinine but a decrease in GFR. 

    Extensive Puhti laboratory package (men) is a great choice when you want to gain more thorough information about the well-being of your body. The Puhti laboratory package will help you check how your body is doing and make better choices for your health. Several tests are included, such as cholesterol, blood glucose, important vitamins, ferritin and testosterone.

    Extensive Puhti laboratory package (women) is a great choice when you want to gain more thorough information about the well-being of your body. The laboratory package will help you check how your body is doing and make better choices for your health. Several tests are included, such as cholesterol, blood glucose, vitamins D and B12, ferritin, and sodium.

    Puhti laboratory package includes many different tests that give you a wide range of information on how your body is doing. It includes blood count, cholesterol, blood glucose, vitamin D, ferritin, inflammatory status and tests of the functioning of the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys.

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